Thursday, November 14, 2019

Blink and it streams

I blink , it’s blurry , it streams
Strength is truly not measured in decibels
And Weakness not measured in tears
So I seamlessly flirt with both strength and weakness
The loud sound of my silence , of the quiet storms battering my heart
Of the chaotic tussle between moral and emotional right
Selfish , unfair , painful , equal
The battle grounds on which my will succumbs
Without the drama of white handkerchiefs and unfurled flags
But with the seemingly proud gait of a defeated warrior safe in the knowledge that the battle was waged with passionate hearts and clear minds
Young Queens eager for lands and Kings of their own bend their knees while their illegitimate would be Kings blink through their blurry eyes and dab the streams forming on their faces while cheering on
I blink , it’s blurry, it streams ; silently like it was forecasted by the seasoned weather man

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

An quick ode to my African woman

wide, narrow, huge, small, non existent
yours are simply ....perfect
your hips, your thick lower lip
the gap in your teeth, the slight hint of a lisp
your height, just right
Most of all ....your spirit
beautiful, caring, unfettered
bathing me with its light, so warm and kind
Sexy, passionate boo
so happy to know you


Aha moments, moments of life

The snap of your fingers
The deep loud sigh, and a slump of your shoulders
Which is the physical expression of your aha moment
The moment of truth, of realisation , or of discernment
We get to this point differently;
On a mental journey; snails pace or quickly
On heart strings pulled taut, your emotions mimicking a tight rope tango
Or via a spiritual trip you go
Aha moments, are moments of life
Whether you savour or you strife
It's that moment, when the beauty of an African dusk became obvious
That point when you know the one who walked away, is the one who matters
The moment when time stood still, as the one walked through the door
The moment when you realise the one you voted for is a dunce
And the one you are about swing to will do a merry jig with your coins
The moment when the solution to a complex math problem offers itself in pure simplicity and clarity
The moment when you accept grudgingly that love really conquers all
It's Aha....when you say; this is where I give up
It's still aha when you grit your teeth, clench your fist and brace yourself with hope
It's also that moment when your first resort is to elope
The moment of truth, the moment of realization
The point of acceptance, the relief of illumination
What is your aha moment?
Did it seduce you slowly or was it a jolt?
Will you surrender to it's lull
Or will you resist its gull
An aha moment is a moment of life
Embrace it or suffocate it
Never deny or ignore it
